
The biggest challenge I’ve ever taken on

3 years ago, I agreed to stop being a freelancer, and take up the challenge and opportunity to be iHub community manager.   I was a freelance graphic designer who before that had been running projects at not-for-profit organizations; working with (what NGOs like to refer to as ) vulnerable communities; caretakers of orphans (widows), […]

2 years @iHub

It’s a few weeks shy of 2 years since I joined the iHub. When I joined, I wasn’t quite sure what being a Community Manager meant exactly. Or if I would survive in employment after being a freelancer for a whole year before that. But meeting with Jimmy Gitonga (former iHub Hypemaster) and Nekesa “It’s […]

Chronicles of a haggard community manager

What does it take to lead a community? What do you do? What are you in charge of? What does a typical day look like for you? Questions I get on a daily basis. And almost every time, I pause. I sigh. I say “almost everything” Then I attempt to list everything that I do. It may appear […]

Why can no one take a decent “selfie” of me?

Definition: “A selfie is a photo of oneself take by oneself. In this article, we shall expand the word “selfie” (in quotes) to also include casual photos of oneself not necessarily taken by oneself using a phone camera. Let us go ahead and exclude professional photographers the caliber of @Truthslinger and @WhiteAfrican from this definition […]

What’s so cool about the Lenovo K900?

So this is the step up (and quite a step up it is) to the Intel YOLO. It has an Intel Atom Dual-core 2Ghz processor and a PowerVR SGX544 graphics processor. It’s sleek! Super light. From the faux brushed metal exterior, the tiny rivets on the back cover (no taking out the battery and no […]

Emoji Discrimination?

If you are an avid texter/IM-er then emoji and smileys are your friend. Then no doubt you have noticed how discriminative most popular IM apps (WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook messenger, Hangouts) are to Africans, especially African woman. Right? A number of very important emoticons for Any African woman (or man) to express herself are conspicuously missing […]

Is it cloudy yet? (Adobe Creative Cloud)

So if you are a visual artist who does it commercially you probably use the Adobe Suite of products. Illustrator (I’m a vectors girl), Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere, the works A few of us have bought a copy of CS6 (or are using a corporate licence courtesy of their employer).  Based on a statistic that Photoshop […]

The Acer Iconia W5

This compact hybrid laptop/tablet runs Windows 8 on an a Intel Atom, Z2760 / 1.8 GHz dual-core processor.   The Unboxing The very unboxing of this tablet/laptop is a treat. The box interior is plush charcoal grey with at least 3 hidden compartments. I couldn’t hide my delight (I was in the office) as I […]

The Techno Phantom A+

Branding breakthrough? So as a PR/Communication/Branding enthusiast, I have been watching Tecno’s entry and penetration into the Kenyan mobile phone market with interest. It has not been without woes. For starters, in Kenya, the word “China”, (no offence to Chinese people) is almost a synonym for “fake”. This has been due to the huge influx […]

From “Just Geeky” to Savvy Entreprenuer

Your traditional image of a geek overlays comfortably with that of the mad scientist. Hair unkempt, shabbily groomed, largely introverted and ill at ease in social situations prefers to sit and work away from everyone else, mostly in their bedroom at home. And of course, the compulsory geek glasses. Your traditional geek (who we shall […]